If you've been in the store in the last couple of weeks, you've been unable to ignore the big changes happening up front by the registers - what's going on? We've moved our vinyl project center! What's that? Well, it's easy, that's what it is! We also think it's exciting - you can get an exceptional result with very little technical crafting experience and in a pretty minimal amount of time.
Here's the scoop: This adhesive vinyl material is cut into words & phrases that can be applied to any smooth surface - like your walls, the side of your car, windows or some other surface like artists' canvas or a wood plaque. Although the vinyl stays on very well, even out in the weather (several employees have it on their cars) it is removable without much effort.
Here's the scoop: This adhesive vinyl material is cut into words & phrases that can be applied to any smooth surface - like your walls, the side of your car, windows or some other surface like artists' canvas or a wood plaque. Although the vinyl stays on very well, even out in the weather (several employees have it on their cars) it is removable without much effort.
We are enthused about using it on our wood plaques and combining it with artists' canvas and photos for a sort of... well... scrapbook on steroids kind of a look, I mean waaaaay out of the album! Imagine your family photo wall with a sweet caption over the photos, something like "All Because Two People Fell in Love" or even your family name: "The Andersons est. 1996" And the 2 big bonuses are: it's removable and you don't have to paint it - just rub it on!
So, keep an eye out over there (not that you could miss it) as we develop this program and work to get you inspired to think about your family photos in a new way.... maybe even turn your wall into a giant scrapbook page.
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